LucciTech cloud application delivery platform and traditional VDI desktop cloud

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(I) VDI architecture

1. Storage isVDI's number one problem

VDI are often related to storage performance, as this directly affects the end user's user experience. Windows is not a particularly efficient operating system for startup and login. The simultaneous startup and logon of a large number of Windows systems will create a so-called "boot storm" or "login storm" for the VDI system. In the worst case, virtual desktops often take more than ten minutes or even hours from startup to completion of loading, which can be disastrous for end users. (This is why deploying VDI tends to keep the local operating system on the terminal, while IT departments have to maintain both local and VDI virtual desktop systems).

2. Network bandwidth is a constraintVDIdevelopment

When the user is in the office, it is easy to provide a reliable desktop experience with Gigabit Ethernet and a good enough 802.11n wireless network. However, when using a digital subscriber line (DSL) connection with a speed of only a few Mbps, or a wireless access point with too many users, that is another matter. Most of them don't have enough bandwidth to provide a quality experience.

3. Mix of memory roles

VDI architecture is to install the operating system in each virtual machine of the server, but what we need to use is not the operating system, but the corresponding application. Each virtual machine is installed with the operating system, which not only takes up memory, but also isolates the application, has a longer response line and higher network bandwidth requirements.

4.VDI virtualization desktop management system does not support fault tolerance

virtualization desktop management system does not support virtual machineHAfeatures, including hostHAand Virtual Machine Blue ScreenHA, once the host or desktop fails, the virtual machine cannot be automatically migrated from the failed server to the normal server. Failure detection and self-recovery functions such as operating system failure and blue screen are not supported.

(II) LucciTech Technology

1. Addressing peak server processing performance

When there is a "peak" of traffic, if all the server resources can be deployed to provide services at the same time, the so-called "peak congestion" pressure will be significantly reduced due to the greatly improved system performance.

LucciTech Technology has excellent load balancing capability, and all traffic will be forwarded to each server in a balanced manner, that is, all servers of the organization provide services. At this point, the system performance is equal to the sum of the performance of all servers, much larger than the traffic "peak". In this way, the pressure of "peak blockage" is relieved, and the investment for adjusting system performance is reduced.

2. Avoiding the "domino" phenomenon

LucciTech technology's application delivery equipment organizes all servers together to provide services, and the traffic pressure is reasonably shared among each server, so that the server will not appear "domino" phenomenon when working as a single device. When the number of servers in the local server farm cannot meet the system requirements, LucciTech Technology's application delivery equipment will use the "dynamic server replenishment" function to automatically call in servers to supplement system performance. And even when all servers are unable to provide services, the "Redirect" function will forward user data requests to the "backup" point to meet the reliability requirements of the system.

(III)LucciTech Cloud Application Delivery Platform Compared with VDI

1. Easy to use

supports multiple terminal logins and public network access. Support C/S and B/S multiple access methods.

LucciTech cloud security application delivery terminal supports common clients such as PC, thin terminal, mobile phone, tablet computer, etc., realizing real access anytime and anywhere.

2. Low network requirements

a VDI process will occupy at least about 500K bandwidth. If there is no intranet environment, accessing the cloud desktop will become very slow and normal remote office will not be possible.

uses the LucciTech cloud security application delivery terminal, which occupies an average bandwidth of about 20K. It can access the systems and applications in the enterprise at any time on the public network to realize real remote office.

3. Access to application resources at any time

server can be opened and used without installation. The application is logically isolated from the client, with one account for one person and one account for many people. The data is elegant in real time.

4. Cloud disk function

supports the cloud disk function, and each user has his own private storage space and shared space to realize file storage and sharing functions.

application publishing server can provide a "cloud disk" service to a specified user. Users can use private cloud disks to replace traditional U disks, emails, third-party chat/network disk tools, etc., to achieve temporary or permanent storage of personal/public data involved in work. As can be seen from the comparison chart below, it can bring many benefits to the enterprise in terms of ease of operation, efficiency, availability, reliability, data compliance, etc.

5. User rights management

has accumulated many years of research and development experience in user interaction experience, and strives to find a balance between "easy to use" and "controllable. In terms of client settings, the user's permission to use local resources can be restricted, allowing or prohibiting the user to use disk mapping, clipboard mapping, audio mapping, printer mapping, external network availability, etc.

(1) Audio mapping: The server-side audio is mapped to the client, which can realize the local playback of the server's audio.

(2) Printer mapping: Realize the virtual file to print through the local printer.

(3) hard disk mapping: to achieve the file can choose to save in the local or server, the administrator set their own.

6. Available offline

Although VOI has lower requirements on the network, it still needs the interaction between the network and the cloud. In the office scenario, if the network is interrupted, it will be a major office accident, so it must be ensured that employees can still use it without the network. The Luccitech application delivery platform can still be used without network. The implementation method is as shown in the following figure. After the thin terminal is successfully started for the first time, the cache is set to cache the mirror image file locally. If the network is suddenly unavailable due to force majeability factors, employees can still operate the thin client normally. After connecting the network, the luccitech application delivery platform performs differentiated synchronization by comparing the differences between the systems before and after.

7. IntegrationADdomain user authentication

support platform authentication integration Windows AD domain users, that is, cloud security application delivery end platform users in the client login window can enter the user's corresponding enterprise Windows AD domain user account information, by the AD domain controller to carry out account audit verification. Compatible with Windows Sevver series (2003/2008/2012) operating system environment, and integrated AD domain user management such as new, import and other functions.

8. Make full use of server resources

uses the LucciTech VAI cloud security application delivery terminal to reasonably manage and allocate traffic and content through built-in algorithms. It provides 12 flexible algorithms to efficiently forward the data stream to the server farm to which it is connected. In the face of users, it is just a virtual server. The user only has to remember one server, the virtual node. However, their data flow is flexibly balanced to all servers LucciTech the VAI cloud security application delivery end.

9. System fault tolerance to improve system reliability

"N 1" method cannot effectively provide system fault tolerance due to the small number of backup servers.

LucciTech the VAI cloud security application delivery terminal to balance user service requests to all servers. After any one or more devices in the server farm fail, the user's service requests are balanced to other servers. Moreover, when the number of servers in the local server farm cannot meet the system requirements, the LucciTech application delivery platform will use the "dynamic server replenishment" function to automatically call in servers to supplement system performance.

10. Flexible expansion

to expand flexibly according to the development of the system and the growth of business. This should not only take into account the growth of the number, but also take into account the difference between the types of software and hardware.

LucciTech application delivery platform is very flexible in extending the system.

(1)LucciTechapplication delivery platform has no limit on the number of server farms connected to it, and there are no restrictions on the software and hardware types of servers.

(2)LucciTechapplication delivery platform can accommodate large concurrent session traffic at the same time.

need to expand, just connect the new server equipment to the network and make some settings on the LucciTech application delivery platform. Seamless expansion can be achieved without any impact on the existing network.

(IV) security fusion technology

1. Input costs (any cloud)

Because VDI solutions centrally manage and run virtual desktops, they require a significant investment in the purchase of servers and storage systems. However, in the cloud application delivery platform scheme, the user's cloud application is separated from the offline local application. The resources required by the cloud application are only 1/4-1/10 of the resources consumed by the original VDI technology and provide concurrent performance guarantee. Such a low configuration requires the use of cloud applications across traditional hardware, various private clouds and public cloud environments. The delivery of local desktop applications is managed through VOI, computers running on end users do not need servers and additional storage. VOI technology is only responsible for the management of OS in centralized control terminals. We also provide support to some security users who must need VDI technology. However, the overall need for data center resources is only less than 1/4 of the original, and there is no need to transform computing storage and network.

LucciTech Technology application delivery provides versions based on VMWare vCenter, Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Aliyun, Huawei Cloud, Tengxun Cloud, etc. It can be directly deployed to VMWare vCenter, Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure cloud computing platforms, and provides application delivery services for applications deployed in these clouds, ensuring that applications can be successfully released safely, quickly and with high availability on cloud computing platforms.

2. Configuration complexity (any network)

the server-based VDI solution, all the load is moved from the terminal to the data center. The result of this movement directly leads to the complexity of the load configuration of the server-the need for higher performance network switching equipment, wide area network acceleration equipment, and other related high-performance equipment. LucciTech cloud application delivery platform technology uses cloud security fusion architecture and its own unique technology to ensure safe and stable application delivery. Our platform solution supports traditional hardware, various private cloud and public cloud environments, and ensures the security of intermediate transmission (VPN capability) and intelligent network scheduling (global load technology, etc.), and can be self-contained, users can reap the benefits of cloud computing without modifying the existing hardware environment, and the enterprise network can basically remain the same, and provide preparation for future cloud architecture expansion.

For network virtualization, many network devices, including firewalls, IPS,VPN, etc., already support their own "one point more" virtualization technology. Similarly, to integrate these physical or virtual network devices together to achieve "all-in-one" virtualization, LucciTech technology application delivery is the best choice. By deploying LucciTech technology application delivery products at the front end of the network equipment, these equipment can be integrated to form a large virtual network equipment and issue an IP address to the outside world, while the actual traffic is intelligently sent to multiple physical or virtual network equipment behind, thus ensuring that these network resources can be flexibly scheduled and expanded.

3. Thin client, mobile phone, tablet support (any side)

LucciTech cloud application delivery scheme supports X86 thin client and ARM thin client, and also supports old PC (supports WEB login and PC client, advanced version supports MACo), mobile phone end and end

if you have a large number of laptop users in your business, they may often need to work offline. For example, users take their computers home to continue working after work, and a large number of business personnel often move to work. At the same time, we have our own network disk function to support data drift in multiple terminals (to help leaders use and operate documents in different teachers and to easily open any document format in combination with VAI technology).

4. Data and schema security

Although VDI stores all data in the data center, this largely ensures the security of the data. However, when the client downloads the desktop system and user data from the server, it may still be attacked on the network. Cloud application delivery technology divides the application into two parts. Even if the application on the cloud can be operated, the administrator can completely avoid the external transmission of data through restrictions. The management of local storage and peripherals of thin clients through VOI technology can limit the security of local applications and data.

At the same time, the cloud application delivery platform provides multiple security guarantees (client audit security, network audit, IPS, SSL offload, WAF security, etc.) to achieve unified and secure delivery.

5. Simplified management (converged management)

is to simplify management, but this simplification does not come from itself, but a combination of multiple technologies to help users choose the most appropriate management method to deliver the application. In fact, many virtual desktop implementation schemes only migrate the complicated and messy user desktops to the data center, but do not really unify the operating system image and working interface. We still cannot get rid of the combination management of "human-desktop OS-application. LucciTech cloud applications use technology integration means, so that managers only need to care about the relationship between "people and applications", greatly reducing the complexity of operation and maintenance.

6. Program compatibility (any application)

many software that requires high-performance hardware or additional hardware peripherals often cannot run in VDI solutions, such as Skype, AutoCAD, ProE, etc. The VOI scheme does not have this problem and can call the terminal peripherals well. However, this kind of application is undoubtedly VOI's strong point. Combined with VAI local application push, we can also benefit the application experience and compatibility of old use of other access devices.

7. Return on Investment

companies often invest heavily to provide the infrastructure needed for VDI, and the short-term return on investment is not obvious. Cloud application delivery solutions reduce the storage requirements of virtual desktops (no need to repeat a large number of useless VDI templates to waste space), and do not require high-performance network equipment support, so you can receive better returns in the short term.

VAI technology and VOI technology also greatly reduce the consumption of cloud resources, helping enterprises to achieve the best cloud transformation.

8. High reliability

VDI relies on a high-performance network connected to the data center, if one of the three networks, storage systems, and servers fails, all users will be affected. On the contrary, our VAI technology in the cloud to do a good job of high availability, the original financial and operator industry requirements of the revenue to ordinary customers, and even if disconnected from the server, VOI technology as a guarantee, can still work offline, network recovery automatically synchronized with the server update. If the terminal hardware failure, loss or theft, users can still download the configuration file backup on the server through a new terminal, and quickly restore.

Concluding remarks(professional trustworthy):

LucciTech cloud application delivery solutions have absolute advantages over traditional VDI solutions in terms of cost and technical complexity. For enterprises that are currently preparing to deploy virtual desktops, if they are facing a tight budget and limited technical resources, we provide comprehensive support and consulting services to help users choose the most suitable technology and products. Our products have also been recognized and recommend by various organizations.

Created on:2018年5月23日 09:50